I woke up early and then decided to look at my phone first thing. As always that meant my morning routine went out the window. I did manage to make breakfast in time for the boy but barely. He left for school, my husband showed up. I sat there and knitted a sleeve while he had breakfast, we talked.
I did dishes and such, went to the health food store, came back, found that I had forgotten to get chocolate and went right back. Then I helped to get the kohlrabi my husband had picked from the garden ready for lunch. Folded some laundry, re-arranged some stuff in my studio for teaching and ate lunch:
Yum. I only had a few minutes to breathe before I had to start teaching. I basically alternated between video and in-person lessons all afternoon which meant a lot of moving things around, disinfecting and opening the window. It is a little disconcerting that both the setup that I have developed over years and the setup I’ve had for the past months have to be changed again. I guess I’ll get used to it eventually.
After signing off with the last student I realized that I hadn’t backed my computer up in ages. The backup drive just sits there and every day when I set the laptop up for teaching I get an automatic backup. Well, turns out that doesn’t work when you don’t connect the two devices. So I waited a bit until everything was safe. Decided to eat dinner after all, getting back to skipping dinner seems just a little too hard right now. When I went to get some buns from the freezer I found that my husband had forgotten to hang the load of laundry up that he had started before lunch. So I hung up laundry while waiting for the buns to be ready. Then I finally had dinner, watched something on Facebook, started writing this post, did all the dishes, wrote in my journal and went to bed too late.
Oh, and did I mention that I somehow threw out my back? No idea how but everything hurt. Moving, sitting, leaning over, keeping still, fun times. And the green handspun socks that I was wearing developed a big, fat hole. Still, that’s all fixable.
So. Today is a running day, we’ll see how that goes. I have quite a few students but way less than yesterday. And I’ll be done with teaching at six already because my last student of the day canceled because he had his wisdom teeth extracted. That’s no good for singing.
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