Well, at least not after the first 90 minutes of the day or so. I have now scientifically proven that picking up my phone first thing in the morning will lead to nothing productive in the morning at all. Good to know.
Hence no yoga, no meditation, no morning pages and no novel-writing. Boo.
But. I did the routine cleaning and folded lots of laundry. There is no laundry hanging to dry anywhere in the house right now. The clean laundry hasn’t really made it into the closets and drawers yet but it’s a start.
Lunch was very good and I didn’t help much which is the reason for the folded laundry:
I did manage to break a full glass with alcohol-free beer in it right before because I moved some things out of the way of taking the picture. Fortunately none of the glass ended up in the food. Phew.
While doing dishes, cleaning and folding laundry I had an epiphany about why I have been dragging my feet with the novel so much. I really need my thinking time and sitting around isn’t cutting it. Apparently housework or walking are perfect for me when I need to mull things over. I’ve been having a problem with the novel for a while now and have been trying to fix it by sitting down and writing but what I really needed was some dedicated thinking time. Who would have thought? I am now excited to proceed. First step will be to go through the manuscript, though, but not all the way through but to plant the seeds to make everything more plausible. Cue evil cackling…
Then I taught all the student and in between worked a bit on the podcast. I’m mildly unhappy with this episode. I’m hoping to release it later today.
After work the boy and I had dinner in front of the TV. We watched one episode of Voyager that was nice-ish, and then some really, really good Firefly. I had a hard time to get going again after that but finally managed to start this post, write in my journal and make a list for today and finally go to bed.
Today there will be running, and the podcast, the putting away of all the laundry and then I will probably make a plan for next week. Because that will be the first week of Pentecost break and I don’t want to waste all that time. I might even do some scheming for the novel. Bonus point for making use of the big stack of fresh new post-its I got for reanimating the kanban fridge. I have so much stuff going on that visual reminders might be a good thing. Or I might overload the fridge with stickies. Stay tuned.
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