I woke up before six, lazed a bit in bed, meditated and then spent half an hour online before making breakfast. After I finished breakfast my husband showed up and then the boy on time, we did our short daily meeting and then I researched how to set up properly for teaching electric guitar online. My husband hasn’t been completely happy with his setup.
There were conversations and dishes and then some Sunday yoga:
I helped to make lunch and read a bit in „Tangled Truths“ in between. Also got the ironing board out and ironed the face mask in progress. Lunch was very good:
After that I did the dishes right away and then wandered off to Ravelry, read a bit and then sat down to watch the third part of that sleeve workshop while sewing the mask. I got it almost finished:
In between I helped my husband order garden supplies online and planned the upcoming week.
Then the boy and I watched some Star Trek while I knitted and spun, I started writing this post, then hung around not doing anything really for a bit too long and went to bed
So. Today there will be running, some teaching, some helping my husband with his teaching setup and a Facebook live for the Growing Gills book club.
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