So this is the first time I’m trying a weekly format instead of the daily blogging. It does free up some time, of course and helps make me a little less tense. It remains to be seen if I’ll actually do something with that time.
The week felt rather busy. (I might just leave that here and put it in every weekly review from now on.) I went back to writing with renewed vigor. I changed my goal so that I might be able to finish the current novel until the end of October and that meant about 4,500 words per week. Which comes down to roughly 900 words per weekday. At the same time I decided that I really wanted to write for two sets of 25 minutes per morning, one before breakfast and one after. When I actually do that (which means no internet until 8.30 or so) I can usually write around 1,200 to 1,500 words so that gives me a bit of a buffer. My goal for the week was 78,738 words and I actually got to 80,927. I’m calling that a win.
I also finished reading „How to Write Dazzling Dialogue“ which I liked and watched week 2 of the workshop about pacing. I did not do the week two homework – boo. I actually put the reading of the book and the watching of the videos on my daily to-do lists and that helped.
I did not quite do the exercise I had wanted to do (which is three times of running, three times of bodyweight training and some stretching thrown in) but I’m happy nonetheless with three times of running, two times of bodyweight training and my knees not hurting.
Teaching is going well, I saw another potential new student who will sign up with me next week. I have quite a few of these new students at the moment which is the main reason that exercise and other things did not progress as much as I had wanted. I’m not complaining.
I slept well and got enough sleep five nights out of seven. That’s good but I’m still aiming for seven out of seven. I did manage to eat less sweets, less cheese, almost no snacks and managed to lose 700 grams of weight. Even with having two flavors of Ben & Jerry’s for dinner on Saturday. It was the highlight of my week (and the boy’s). It also was a little too much ice cream. And it might have been better not to plan that extravaganza for one of the coldest days so far.
Other stuff:
The boy’s toilet broke and I got as far as removing the cover of the flushing mechanism and teaching him to wiggle that plastic thing to close it all the way. Then I looked up how to fix it on the internet but never quite got around to actually watch those videos or read those websites. Fortunately, the boy tells me the toilet is now working fine so I just put the cover back.
I called the piano tuner. Anybody telling me how convenient and fast the telephone is compared to email can hear my tale of trying to reach potential new student and the piano tuner’s office for five times each and playing tag with voice mail before agreeing on a date. And when you agree on something by email you have it in writing and can refer back to it later as an added bonus.
Because of the holiday last Thursday I crammed all errands and grocery shopping into Tuesday. I did not manage to make good use of the extra day off, first, because I taught a student and second, because I was rather exhausted by then. That’s one of my problems at the moment, when I start my days early and write first thing I’m basically toast by lunchtime. And if I have to teach students back-to-back until it’s time for dinner I’m basically a zombie afterwards. Which is fine.
I did have some good ideas about things I was stuck on, so that’s good. While cleaning on Friday I had to jot down stuff in my notebook four times.
And on Saturday I spent the afternoon catching up with a friend via video chat, that was rather nice.
Next week:
So, next week will be at the same level of busy, I think. I want to continue writing every morning, running should happen on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and bodyweight training on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
The boy will be away at his workshop-thing from Thursday through Monday, I want to go to the Wollmarkt Vaterstätten on Saturday and a friend of my husband will visit with us on the weekend. I’m hoping that he won’t arrive on Friday because Friday I will be teaching all afternoon, adding another singing student to an already full teaching schedule. Oh, and it is podcast recording week again. And I have a list of four songs to go through for students. (I want to play and sing them so that I can teach them how and can accompany them.)
I’m sure this will be fun!
Cooles neues Format. Dachte mir schon, dass du das irgendwann so abänderst… Tägliche Posts müssen echt anstrengend sein. Gott, wie machen das Youtuber, die jeden Tag vloggen? ?
Tägliche Posts fand ich erstaunlicherweise gar nicht so schlimm, aber es bedeutet halt noch eine Sache, an die man denken muss. Jeden Tag Video oder auch Audio stelle ich mir recht aufwändig vor, da gehen sicher mehrere Stunden rein.