Six hours is definitely not enough sleep. But sleeping in is no longer an option. And I know I’ve told you before.
Husband was up early and came over just when I was sitting in bed meditating. At eight. So we had breakfast together for a change. I have a rule that interrupted meditation still counts. I made that rule back in the days when I learned how to meditate and the boy was still a toddler. I’d sit down, close my eyes, start to meditate and whenever the boy would interrupt me would be okay. I’m still following that rule.
My husband and I talked a lot all day. He told me all about his trip and we talked about his plans to get another guitar (as one does) and all kinds of things. It was rather nice. We both went running:
The weather is nice for running, warm but not hot.
Since I’m mostly walking at the moment I didn’t bother to put the contact lenses in. And I forgot my hat. I did 57 minutes which resulted in 6.4 k at a pace of 8’48 per kilometer. Which is pretty much the pace I was getting back when I tried to run all the way. Interestingly, right now I’m still at 3’30 of walking and 1’30 of running intervals. Oops. I guess now I know how much I was walking before.
Then I peeled potatoes and took a shower and diced zucchini and we had that with fish for lunch. The boy got a few veggie brats. And I forgot to take a picture.
My husband and I looked at some more guitars, I contemplated a new phone and almost ordered one, my husband told me that he would visit a friend next week, I looked up train connections, and then I realized that I had all forgotten about the podcast. So I cut the video and uploaded it and finished the blog post and uploaded that and the audio and so on until I finally could publish the podcast around six. Oops. Normally, I try to get it out at 2 pm on a Friday.
That took most of the afternoon. The boy and I watched an excellent episode of „Deep Space Nine“, I did my knee exercises and went to bed before ten.
Today there will be more exercises, a lazy morning and not much more.
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