I’m already doubting my plans.
I woke up at 5.30 from the alarm and for once did not start the day with emails and the internet. Because my mother-in-law is away traveling I got to leave my phone in the kitchen overnight. The only thing on my nightstand was my ebook reader.
I did meditate and write morning pages and somehow never got around to writing on the novel. Which got to haunt me later. (Okay, it always does.)
There was breakfast and podcast prep and knitting and talking with my husband and dishes and running:
I found the heat hugely overwhelming and was oddly hungry and so walked most of the way with a bit of running on the really shady bits.
It was still pretty early when I returned home. I took a shower and did a bit more planning for the third quarter and set everything up for podcast recording and when I came back to the kitchen I was late for helping with lunch and my husband was grumpy. But the food was really good:
We finished lunch early and I took a reading break, then the boy showed up, we talked a bit and I wandered off to record the podcast.
Afterwards I still had an hour before my first student and so I finally did the lunch dishes and worked some more on the podcast.
There was a bit of teaching, then a bit of bodyweight training (still without the boy) and then I finally wrote a few words.
The self-inflicted craziness alluded to in the title is Camp NaNoWriMo, by the way, which I’m planning on doing along the Tour de Fleece this year. Plus, my regular life. This will be fun, I’m sure. One day and I’m already behind.
Today there will be a little running, grocery shopping at the health food store and I will teach all the students. And maybe finish planning…
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