Woke up from the alarm at 5.45. Was all set to write but then didn’t for no apparent reason. Made breakfast and talked with the boy who was not looking forward to his German test, then started knitting and read one of the book samples on my ebook reader. I have accumulated a ton again and want to decide whether to put them on the „buy later“-list or delete.
I am not reading non-fiction at the moment, instead I’m reading a lot of unimportant stuff online and some fiction.
My husband showed up late again, he was out in the garden before and forgot the time.
We didn’t linger much but he went running while I was starting my round of chores. I actually managed to do the dishes, change the sheets on my bed and do the weekly cleaning all in less than 75 minutes.
I did take a bit of a break after that, while my husband made the pizza dough and then I started making pizza. My husband was helping but he was so cranky that I sent him away.
I almost got lunch ready on time, even:
Did the lunch dishes and hung up a load of laundry before my first student of the day. After his lesson I published the podcast and posted about it on social media. Then more teaching. Another break, one more student and then – the weekend! And two weeks off. Well, almost. (Almost off, that is, not almost two weeks.)
The boy and I watched Star Trek while my husband was still teaching and that was it.
I did manage to write a word or two and go to bed on time.
Today there will be running and taking a shower, no idea what else. Probably not much. I do have a long list for the next few days that include finishing the taxes and writing and spinning and all kinds of things but we’ll see how that goes.
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