I woke up from the alarm again at six and basically didn’t do anything all day. My energy was better, though, and the leg is hurting less and less. I think the magnesium might be working!
There was breakfast. I ate a pastry for once because I had gotten some for both my husband and son and felt left out. Bad move, I didn’t feel so hot afterwards. I’ll stick to muesli again in the future.
Then it was time for my husband’s aunt to show up and he helped put all the recycling into her car while I was doing dishes and then preparing for podcasting. Lots of feedback on the last German episode.
Then we made lunch:
Then I took pictures of my projects for the podcast, took a bit of a break, did my singing warmup and then recorded the podcast. With a false start. This time I used one laptop for recording video and the other one for audio which is a bit insane.
Then there was teaching. After that bodyweight training, a bit of housework, dinner and then some work on the podcast.
And early to bed.
There was a point in the day where I started writing a list in my bullet journal of all the fiction books on my ebook reader that I still want to read. I gave up after two pages when finding I wasn’t even a third through. So I guess I’ll read some more books from the pile of unread books instead of only new ones? At least I pulled one out that I had bought last year to read next.
Today will be another whirlwind Friday with cleaning and lots of teaching and trying to get the podcast ready to publish. (I can’t promise I’ll get it out before Sunday, I won’t have much time today and no time at all tomorrow.)
So, decidedly not boring around here.
2 Seiten und mehr!? Wooosh!