I’m still off and not getting anything done.
I started the day with meditating and morning pages and then it was time for breakfast. The t-shirt I’m knitting is making progress. No running, no writing, no music. I spent quite a lot of time reading „The Bride Test“. So far I’m absolutely loving it.
We made lunch:
I hung up a load of laundry and taught all the students while feeling like crawling back into bed.
I had read somewhere that there are people saying they can’t participate in MeMadeMay because they don’t have a new handmade outfit for every day of the month. Well, I am wearing clothes I made myself every day this month and I only have four outfits. Which didn’t get washed in time for yesterday so I was wearing this:
Martha dress with self-drafted leggings, hand knit Glomerata socks and my handspun Cria. The cardigan’s color and shape doesn’t really go with the rest. The dress is too short and I usually wear it for lounging around the house. I only have three other outfits that I made myself plus two dresses that don’t really fit anymore and that I haven’t worn all month.
So someone who doesn’t really sew can wear all handmade clothes but then has to be content with very little variety. Or as a student of mine said today, „You’re always wearing purple.“ Only this month. Interestingly nobody ever said, „You are always wearing the same pair of jeans!“ Even though I usually do.
I felt so off that I declared the day to be over somewhat early. I wasn’t good for anything anyway.
I am hoping that today will go better. I am planning to hobble to the health food store and then there will be some teaching, including a potential new student. Maybe even actual progress on a project, who knows.
Gute Besserung!