Work and all.
Since I had turned the lights out too late and didn’t sleep well, of course I had to wake up at 4.45. Never mind, that will be the wakeup time for this week anyway because I’m still inching towards daylight savings time. I am now actually looking forward to next Sunday, though because while I will have to wake up another fifteen minutes earlier I will probably be able to go to bed earlier again. Yeah!
I did meditate first thing, wrote morning pages and worked on the novel for forty minutes. Phew. Instant mood booster.
There was breakfast where my husband and I shared the meager bit of banana that was left. My husband was up early, he even met the boy before he had to go to school. The boy had an English test today, one where he had to speak instead of write.
After breakfast my husband and I talked a little about last night’s soccer game (Germany versus Holland, German won but just barely, must have been really thrilling) and about what to put where and when in the garden. My husband spent some time yesterday drawing up a plan that shows all the beds and then he made copies and labeled them with the year, and now he has something to help him plan for the next few years. (And yes, making those plans in January would have been much better because then he could have used Sunday’s wonderful weather to actually put seeds in the ground. Still, progress.) We even went outside and looked at the beds. (My husband can’t plan in the abstract. Even with the plan he has to see everything in person.)
Which was hilarious when I told him that I want to move the furniture in the master bedroom back to where it was when we first got that bed and wardrobe and it turned out that he had completely forgotten the setup. Huh. So we went to the bedroom and I stood there saying, „And then I want the bed to go on that wall,“ and he finally got it.
Then I made an ob/gyn appointment and went to the bakery and the health food store. And back home, changed into workout gear and went running. It was rather cold and really windy. So much so that it felt like gusts of wind directly in my face both ways. There was a lot of walking:
I took a shower and we made dal:
After lunch I did the dishes, read for half an hour, got ready for teaching, did the singing warmup, did lesson prep and then I taught all the students.
The boy had a presentation to prepare for that is due today and since his presentation partner didn’t have time to help anymore and there was still loads to do he had to work on that for hours and hours all afternoon and evening. It is for physics about astronomy and astrology.
I started writing this post, tried going through photos for the website and found that the old laptop needed to restore the media first, ate leftover lunch for dinner, watched more of the cover design course and did the dinner dishes. Productive days for the win.
Today there will be more running and podcast prep and music and teaching and writing. No shopping or errands, though.
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