Yesterday I was rather tired all day. Had breakfast with most of the family (this is my father's cousins and their offspring), then went along driving two people to the train station, and then I spent the rest of the day with one of my father's cousin's sons and his lovely wife.
We had a full day of sightseeing and the cousin – who lives near Hamburg – was a little freaked by the roads being rather narrow and windy in places and going up and down a lot.
The day was wonderful, I rode a steam train and learned all kinds of things about trains (cousin is rather interested in them) and looked at beautful vistas and climbed stairs and looked at medieval castles and towns. I'll have to do some research to see what I looked at all day.
We came home at a reasonable time already fed and watered, sat down to have a beer or two and talk some more, and then I went to bed at an almost sane time.
Today there will be the packing and the catching trains and the reading a lot and knitting while sitting on trains.
I will also spent an hour or two walking around Leipzig, where one of my grandfathers was born. I have never been and I'm really looking forward to it.
The other thing I'm looking forward to is getting home. If everything goes according to plan that will be right after dinnertime tonight.
And then regular blogging should resume.
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