I woke up as usual, had breakfast a little late and then went to the bakery to get breakfast for my husband and the boy.
Later I ran 13k. Well, I say that I ran it but the truth is that I walked a lot as well, as I do. Around kilometer four my husband crossed my way and we ran together a little. Only I’m a lot slower than him. He did give me a few tips concerning my gait, though, and I think that is making a difference. My phone started acting up around kilometer seven. Which is why I don’t have any pictures even though I took some. That was also when I started feeling thirsty. No, I did not take any water. I might want to find a way to take some when I’ll run farther than that. When I got home I downed three glasses of water right away. And I helped my husband make lunch. Veal cutlets, homemade gnocchi and tomato sauce:
Very yummy.
After lunch I didn’t really want to do the dishes and instead I sat down to spin while watching the Giro d’Italia:
The green polwarth has now been re-plied.
I had plans to go grocery shopping afterwards but I decided against it when it started pouring rain. So the boy and I watched some Netflix while I crocheted.
Then to the nearby grocery store for some emergency butter and garlic.Then the huge pile of dishes. Then very few words.
My legs might be a little sore. And I didn’t make any music today. But that’s alright.
Today there will be, well, not much of anything. I will still try to beware the afternoon slump.