Not that this will be in any way different because of the fact that there will be no school and much less teaching next week.
The big and exciting thing for my husband today will be the arrival of the Vox vintage amp and a bass box from 1964. The big thing for me will be getting all my morning things done before going to the spinning meeting.
So my plan is to get up in a minute, have breakfast, go running soon afterwards, then take a shower so that I have enough time to let my hair dry without using the hairdryer, then do the dishes, eat lunch early at around 11.45, and then leave for the spinning meeting.
My husband would have liked me to be home and help with logistics for having three people over while not knowing if they will want to eat lunch here or not.
Both of us would rather know a time when they will arrive instead of sitting here waiting but that can’t be helped.
Yesterday went very well even though I didn’t clean anything at all. But errands and grocery shopping took a lot of time, late Friday morning is prime grocery shopping time around here.
Eating Chinese was great, even though the boy was acting a little weird. He was overtired and exhausted, I’m hoping he’ll be having a bit more energy today.
Teaching went well too but by mid-afternoon I was ready for a break.
The boy was too tired to watch something last night so I watched an episode of „Dollhouse“ while knitting a sock. As one does.
I’m really looking forward to a slower week next week and can’t wait to sit down tomorrow to make my list…
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