Did more walking than running yesterday because I was so sore from the strength training the day before. Actually I still am.
I spent most of the afternoon waiting for the rehearsal for the song we’ll be playing at my husband’s birthday concert in two weeks which meant I did get a lot of reading done but not much more. I also helped the boy a little when he had problems with building his computer. My husband’s friend also told him a thing or two so now we’re hoping that everything will work properly going forward.
At least I did write about 800 words. Of course I had wanted to write a lot more but let’s just not talk about that.
I’m guessing that today will be more or less the same, last day of Christmas break, and I decided not to plan for anything special, I’ll just sit here reading, and maybe write my 500 words and that will be it.
I’m all about realistic plans. Bonus points for doing strength training even though my legs hurt so much that I’m avoiding moving from sitting to standing and back. But today would be mostly arms anyway. We’ll see.
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