The bad: skipped strength training, skipped recording the podcast, had too much to eat and went to bed too late.
The good: wrote 2,800 words, went running, had a fabulous lunch.
The best feeling yesterday was that I managed to write my first 1,000 words before breakfast. Of course I only did that because I woke up way too early but there was no helping that.
The morning went by with nothing much happening. We started cooking our whole chicken right after breakfast, and I went running somewhat too late. Since we had that huge chicken my husband had asked his mother to join us for lunch, and this time she was actually not nervous, and eating and talking was rather nice.
After lunch I barely managed to do the dishes and then entered the slump. For more than two hours. I did manage to write 500 more words but then the boy wanted my help. He had a friend over for a sleepover, and needed money to go and buy frozen pizza and potato chips, and needed bedding for his friend. He also vacuumed his room, and cleaned his toilet without me saying anything.
His friend showed up at around six as planned, I made them the pizza and talked a little with them, and then we went our separate ways. They had been planning to do a „Dr. Who“-marathon in the boy’s room. Meanwhile I watched an episode of „Dollhouse“ while spinning.
And then I had more beer and more chocolate, and wrote a little more but not as much as I wanted because I was too tired.
I really need to change my ways, if I continue like this I will be fat again in a year or so. And that’s something I definitely don’t want.
So today I want to do all.the.things. Clean a little, write about 3,800 words, do strength training, go out for lunch with my husband and the boy for Greek food, make music, record the podcast, not eat too much, and go to bed on time. We’ll see how that goes.
This morning I woke up at four with a leg cramp. The good thing is that I managed to fall asleep again. At four in the morning it seemed very reasonable to make plans to spend all weekend sewing, by the way. Especially New Year’s Eve, I mean what do you do on a day like that? I was informed by the boy that I will need to stay up until after midnight, so maybe doing a lot od sewing is not the worst idea…
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