So yesterday kind of got away from me. I started running way too late, and that made everything late right until bedtime.
Good day, though. Turns out I can actually run/walk 13 kilometers. Also turns out that it takes me two whole hours, and that afterwards my toes are frozen. I think I will pause the half-marathon training until it’s no longer freezing, and doing shorter runs on Saturday as well. It’s not as if I were actually scheduled to run a half-marathon.
I made the Nusszopf, and cut the boy’s hair, and spun a bit, and crocheted. Did not make music, and did not look at the novel-in-progress. I did go grocery shopping, though, because baking Nusszopf is hard without nuts and sugar.
Today I will take a train towards the Alps, and be at spinning meeting all afternoon. I still have to pack half the things which is rather unusual for me. I’ll live.
I always think that I can do all kinds of things on the train, think about the novel, and make notes and such. But then I always forget how uncomfortable and tight it is, and how loud everybody is, and so I better just pack my ebook reader and read a bit.
Here’s a badly lit picture of the Nusszopf, have some if you like:
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