My voice is slowly starting to come back. I did quite a bit of talking yesterday while teaching, and it doesn’t seem to have done any more harm. I should keep quieter so that I can heal faster but I have missed talking so much. My poor suffering husband had to listen to me for about an hour after he had just stopped teaching for the day, and wanted nothing but calm and no people.
I did my errands yesterday, and some housework, and then my mother-in-law came home from the hospital. She is well, there is nothing major wrong, just her blood pressure is mostly too high and is hard to get adjusted with medication. We’re all hoping that she won’t fall again. The only thing she can do is be more aware of how she feels and act accordingly. Which seems to be pretty hard for her. I guess her generation was taught to not listen to their bodies if they didn’t absolutely have to. Mind over matter and all that.
So with all of the other stuff I didn’t get quite as much done on the novel as I had hoped but I am rather happy to say that I at least wrote down everything I know so far about the story, and I decided to count those words against my NaNo-goal. So that’s a start.
What I would like to have is a day or two where I idly jot down everything else I need but the next day off I have will be Sunday, and so I have to try and use every minute I have.
I went to bed on time but didn’t sleep well because of today’s doctor’s visit. Which is silly. Thanks for your comments on my worries, I was so busy that I didn’t answer them, sorry. I have now decided to not write anything down, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I have to say that I don’t have high hopes for the visit. It would be a different matter if I could see the doctor who already knows me, but this way I am expecting to get a few more appointments for getting blood drawn and such, and then they will say that everything is fine. Which it isn’t.
If that happens I’ll ask around to get a recommendation for an endocrinologist. It’’s too bad that the one the boy and I saw for his thyroid only treats children. I really liked him, and had a nice rapport with him. I have been thinking about calling his office to get a recommendation for someone treating adults. They must have someone on file because their patients grow out of their services on a regular basis.
So today I go to the doctor, try to focus and work on the novel a bit beforehand, go to the health food store in the town where the doctor is afterwards, then come home in time for lunch (I hope), then make use of the time before I have to teach, teach four students, work on the novel some more, and then go to bed early.
Last night I was so engrossed in „Victorian Secrets“ (affiliate link) that I almost turned the lights out too late. Fascinating book.
At least there will be time to read on the train, and in the waiting room today.
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