So yesterday was another pretty unproductive day. I still felt like I needed a day off but I’m not quite sure that was the best thing to do. I did spend most of the day reading, finishing an excellent novel, and knitting and crocheting.
I also managed to finally watch Nick Stephenson’s free training videos. I found the first one not all that interesting but then I’ve been reading about marketing for indie authors for quite some time now, and I listen to all the important podcasts in that area, so I do know a thing or two. (Not enough, for sure.) But the second video made me all happy about promotion for once, and so I decided to finally get my own website for my writing stuff, not a free wordpress blog.
And that is making me all happy and excited. Some time today or tomorrow will go live.
Of course that means I just made myself even more work. I need to transfer content from the old blog, and make it look decent, and activate an email address or two.
Being unproductive last weekend also means that I didn’t manage to record the next podcast episode. I had planned to release it last weekend, and the next German one next weekend but now it looks as if there will be the English episode next weekend. I am committed to podcasting every other week but there’s no need to do it every week.
Of course I keep thinking about adding yet another podcast to the mix which is really insane.
I also have a long, long list of things I need to do for the teaching website, and I’d really like to make this blog here look better and update it. Somehow I never find the time.
I just made a list of things to do for this week, and it is pretty full already. If I went offline for the week I could easily do it but I guess I won’t.
Only two more days until the end of this daily journaling challenge.
I am starting a new challenge today, by the way. In an effort to get better sleep (and lose some of the weight I gained back) I will refrain from drinking alcohol for the next three weeks. Maybe four weeks, I’m not sure yet. And my husband is making noises about joining me. Which would be a very good thing. It is somewhat easier not to drink when no one is opening bottles of wine under your nose. Very good wine, usually. But I’m pretty sure that better sleep will be worth it.
So I hope you will all have a great week ahead, and I’ll let you know how it goes.
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