As I told you I had trouble sleeping in December. I hoped things would get better after Christmas but then they didn’t. I didn’t quite know what else to do but then I got a book on sleep from the library, and that said that when you have insomnia for any reason it might be that you get so used to not being able to sleep that you go on not sleeping even when there’s no reason for it.
The book suggested taking a class on relaxation techniques. I already no quite a few relaxation strategies (What, me tense? Nah.), and so I decided to just lie there in bed, focusing on my breathing and the sensation of getting heavier and heavier and melting into the mattress, and then – I fell asleep again.
So I’m still waking up every night but then I fall back asleep. Not always in a second but quick enough to not get up an hour before the alarm goes off.
And that means I’m feeling somewhat better already.
Days are still full and busy, and there have been quite a few people things we had to go to even in January but I hope that things might eventually calm down.
I am very happy that I’m still managing to play my piano, and sing, and write on my novel a bit, even if it’s only for ten minutes each day. And I’m still exercising. And the exercise is still making me happy.
Just today I was moping around all morning, and in a really bad mood, and then I decided to go on a short run, and I felt instantly better. It works like magic.
And now I will prepare dinner. I already did the lunch dishes right after lunch which means chances are high that I’ll be going to bed on time tonight. Which is something I’m really looking forward to. Being tucked into bed at 9.30.
eliandhra says
“when you have insomnia for any reason it might be that you get so used to not being able to sleep that you go on not sleeping even when there’s no reason for it.” … Das klingt irgendwie schrecklich plausibel. Eine ganz ungute Nicht-Schlaf-Gewohnheit.
Was ist das für ein Buch?
Lieben Gruß