When I was a teenager I hated all things brown because brown was the color of Nazi uniforms. Since then I have come to realize that brown is also warm, and the earth, and lovely, and the color of the robes of the buddhist sangha whose meetings I sometimes attend. So, these days I like brown very much.
I’m cheating again, because this is a picture my son took today at the confirmation of my husband’ s niece. A little while later, when he gave the camera back to my husband, the camera fell down on the same boards that you see in the picture, and now it’s broken. I don’t know if it can be fixed, and I don’t know if I can continue the last six days of the project “Farbe bekennen“. It is a joy, though, to see the pictures he took with my camera, a much better camera than his which is little better than a toy (and which wouldn’t have mind being dropped, but it wasn’t really my son’s fault, it could have happened to anyone). It’s really great to see what he was interested in. Also, now I have a lot of pictures of people’s midsections…
dievommond says
that project “Farbe bekennen” is really funny and interesting! And you know, I didn`t like brown because of the same reason as you! And – like you – I recognized very late that brown sometimes is beautiful and nice. So the moral of that: don`t see folk songs and colours with the political eyes. Its feeling and that should be unpolitical but aestetik.
with gretings from far away! dievommond
hele says
i hated brown because my mother replaced our pink baby angel curtains with horrible brown ones when i was five. now i also love brown for all the reasons you stated.
i enjoyed all your beautiful photos especially this one.