I wrote this a few days before summer break actually started. Now, more than a week has gone by and somehow I don’t seem to get much done. So I’m posting this as a reminder to myself. Also, because it’s always fun to see what other people are doing on their vacation.
- read the books I borrowed from a friend (“Those Left Behind”, and “Quicksilver” by Neal Stephenson)
- play my piano
- play my guitar
- spin (I finally got my two drop spindles and rovings. It’s a bit frustrating but I’ll get back into it eventually.)
- sew the dress I have been wanting to make since last summer (I already cut out the pieces, at least.)
- sew about 2 or 3 bags
- go on vacation (Check! When you’re reading this I’ll be gone for a few days.)
- take my son to the zoo
- visit the botanical garden (I wanted to see the roses in bloom, in fact I have been wanting to see that for years now but never managed.)
- go swimming
- have my eyes checked (Already done!)
- finish the red and the green cardigan I’m working on
- design socks for red cotton yarn and knit them
- have dinner at the Osteria Italiana
- go and see a movie with my husband in an actual movie theater
- go back to exercise three times a week
- read my two NaNoWriMo-novels
- write a short story
- get back into the habit of doing housework and cooking (something my husband would really appreciate, I’m sure)
- sing and record some improvisations (as soon as my laptop comes back from the shop)
On my husband’s list there is also:
- hike in the mountains with our son
- go to the Olympiaturm with our son
- harvest our own potatoes (already done)
- take a walk to the Andechs monastery with our son (and have some of their delicious beer of which our son doesn’t get any)
Things we had been planning to do over the summer but probably won’t be doing:
- renovate kitchen
- have all the wiring in the old part of the house replaced
I know that most of you are at the end of summer break, not at the beginning like me. So, how did your plans work out?
crazymumma says
Our plans worked out not badly. Aside from today, which was one of those hideous I am not going to win parent of the year awards, aside from today, not bad.
the dragonfly says
I actually didn’t have many expectations for summer. It’s a weird summer, with the Sergeant in Iraq. But we did go to the Luxembourg American Cemetery, which I wanted to do, and I made a quilt for the Little Mister, which was supposed to be done by his birthday in June. 🙂
deike says
Wow, das ist ja mal ne Liste! Ist das nicht ein bisschen viel??
Ich liebe es auch Listen zu schreiben. Der Sinn dadran ist ja eigentlich, dass man das Gemachte abhakt, aber bei mir führt es nur dazu, dass ich mir selbst Schuldgefühle mache, weil ich nicht an meiner Liste arbeite. Außerdem ist es kein schöner Anblick, wenn die Große Böse Liste immer länger und länger wird… funktionieren Listen denn bei dir?
Meine momentane mentale Liste besteht vor allem aus: zwei Seminararbeiten fertig schreiben, und zwar innerhalb der nächsten *drei Wochen*, meinen Führerschein fertig machen, auf noch zwei Festivals fahren (als ob die ersten zwei nicht gereicht hätten…), eine Kurzgeschichte schreiben, meine Schneiderpuppe kaufen, alle halbfertigen Klamotten fertig nähen, damit ich meinen Wintermantel anfangen kann. Oh, und ein Picknick im Botanischen Garten (der neben dem Nymphenburger Schlosspark). Und ca 30 Bücher lesen. Und das Nibelungenlied auf Mittelhochdeutsch, damit ich im Winter in dieses Seminar komme.
Naja. Mal schaun, wie das wird… ich wünsch dir ganz viel Spaß in euren Ferien! 🙂