Now, this is the just post anniversary. A year ago there was the first social justice roundtable where before there had been nothing. In fact, that social wedding was the reason that I found this particular corner of the blogosphere. De wrote about that wedding, she posted a picture of her own wedding day and the lyrics to “One”, and that moved me to seek out Mad and Jen who came up with this idea. And I promised to write something about social justice once a month at least. A promise that I kept, mostly, with the exception of March. (And this month you won’t find my post on the list because I forgot to nominate it. But that’s the beauty of being one of the hosts, I can point you towards it now: “Healing the World“.)
Since it has been a year of talking and writing about social justice, we decided to go a little further, to have a baby and to ask people to volunteer. I have to admit that I was a bit reluctant at first. I’m always reluctant to commit my time or energy to something new. But then I did want to do something. And I realized that it didn’t have to be something really big. Just small and doable would be enough.
My first thought was forcing my students to do regular performances at the local retirement home. But my heart wasn’t really in it. Also, the students wouldn’t have liked it. But then I allowed myself to think even smaller. And I found something totally unspectacular. Something I already have started doing, actually. I’m committing to knitting a pair of socks or a hat, preferably both each month for “Frühchenstricken“, that’s a German project to knit for preemies.
Just last week I found a similar American project for those who, like me, might be interested in doing a bit of social volunteer work while sitting on their own sofas watching TV. And then there’s “project snuggle“:
Project Snuggle- A project of knitted bears for police to take to child victims of domestic violence. Simple, really yet so very absent in the world of charitable knitting.
I would totally support this if it weren’t crazy to ship hand-knit stuffed animals half-way around the world.
Knitting for preemies warms my heart. At first I thought it was all about the fun of knitting doll-sized tiny socks. They are so cute! And almost instant gratification. But then I found that I also liked it because I was born too early myself. And at a time when my mother wasn’t even allowed to touch me for weeks. Now that I am a mother myself it rips my heart to hear her tale of how she stood in front of the window, looking at me every day for four weeks until she was allowed to take me home.
When I posted about this project the first time, thinking that it wasn’t really making a difference if I knit six pairs of socks or not, Sofia wrote a comment saying that her own daughter had been a preemie and how it warmed her heart to see that someone, a total stranger had taken the time to knit something for her daughter. And I thought back to the time my son was born, and though he wasn’t premature, I also wondered who had knit the horribly striped booties that he wore in the hospital. And while they were indeed very ugly I also knew that they were made out of love. Not for a child or grandchild but for some baby that person had never seen.
And that sentiment, love for human beings that we have never seen, is what brought forth the just posts and now the baby shower.
So, without further ado here is this month’s list. I’m really humbled by all the people who have committed to do volunteer work, and if you have too and your post is not on this list, please leave it in the comments.
Laura at Twenty Five Days to Make a Difference
Lawyer Mama with Christmas in Omaha
Magpie with 13 Ways to Help
Painted Maypole with God loves Fags
Reluctant Memsahib with it’s the corruption that’s the problem
Victoria with Give
The Chick with AIDS facts you should know
Jeff with Bless the invisible children
Mir on blogher with Dutch Diplomats, a Korean Adoptee, and the Unthinkable
Suzanne Reisman on Blogher with Dec. 17 is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers and When Will We See Some Female Geeks?
Chatoyance with Books will fly through the air for children
Jenn with full circle
Sin with 28
Frieda with What I would pray for, if I prayed
Hearts in SanFran with Only the good die young
HearthTalks with Putting it in perspective
Liz with AIDS: No longer your friendly neighborhood appetite suppressant
Chani with Sanuk is not a four letter word
Veronica with Give
Jen with it’s coming on christmas, two little girls, two little girls, pt 2
Lost White Kenyan Chick with Electioneering and corruption
Laloca with Joseph Heller couldn’t’ve come up with this
City Girl with thinking out loud
Ida with Gay and Homeless: The numbers to back it up
Quaker Dave with There are no words
Denguy with Everyone should eat
Jangari with Intervening into the intervention
Emily with Lazy mother’s guide to saving the planet
The Individual Voice with Christmas in Iraq and Afganistan
Babylune with it’s series of posts culminating with the generous december group writing project
MauiGirl with No more death penalty in New Jersey
Reya with What’s important
The Psycho Therapist with If you can’t find money to kill people
Baby Shower Gifts
Jenn with Let’s change the world, shall we?
Omaha Mama with Giving more and Teaching to Give Back
Andrea with Enough, again.
CCE with A words: Altruism and Asceticism
De with Oh baby,I can help
Sage with Birthing in chains
Karen with Baby shower treats
Alejna with Gifts and thanks
Jennifer with New Year’s resolving
Reality Testing with Project Snuggle in conjunction with Flutter’s original idea in 2006 there once was a girl
Aliki with Newton’s third law
Painted Maypole with Unto us a child is born
Sin with Win-win
The Psycho Therapist with On giving to organizations
Those who listened
TIV: The Individual Voice
Painted Maypole
Mayberry Mom
Pundit Mom
And as always you should also check out what Jen, Mad, and Hel are writing this month.
I love the stripy booties knitted with love. Mmmm, maybe I will start knitting again.
And I also forgot to nominate my post. But next month is another month.
Well, I thought those socks you knit for Gary were spectacular, so I think your baby socks most likely are as well.
Fiona came home in a pair of knitted booties, but actually because she was too long for the footed outfit I brought to the hospital.
and you knocked me flat with your summation – love for human beings we have never even seen.
And thank you for the perfect comment you left me. It made my day happy.
Thank you for mentioning snuggle, and thank you for your work in this.
What a great idea, Su, and given how gorgeous your knitting it, there will be some stylin’ youngin’s in Germany. If my commitment at the clinic had not panned out, I was thinking of taking on knitting as social justice.
oh, all those mamas will be so pleased to have homemade things to warm their babies.
I love projects like this – I think it’s a wonderful cause.
such a wonderful idea, now searching for a similar think in the uk. Wehave a charity called BLISS so i will look now. Such a fabulous cause
Thanks for showing your support for the Generous December Group Writing Project. I appreciate that it struck a chord with people like you.
I’ve done that…knitted tiny god-awful hats for hospital nurseries. I loved doing it, and now I think I’ll do some more.
Thank you!! How neat!!
Laura at 25 Days and Angela at Reality Testing
Thank you for listing me among such an impressive array of bloggers concerned with social justice.
Thanks, all y’all, for finding me (thank you again, TIV!) and mentioning the link to one small way to get more books to folks in Africa.
I was a reluctant “social justicer.” After all, it’s sometimes hard to imagine one tiny little bit will make any difference.
But after I heard from a few people who either lived through, or are trying to remedy, the very real book hunger there…being an avid reader, knowing how I would feel if I could not easily find books to read, how could I not help?
Big smiles across the miles to you.