Just a quick reminder to send me or Mad or Hel your posts and nominations for the Just Post roundtable. Please send them until Friday the 7th to diapersandmusicATwebDOTde (If you want to know more about the roundtable click on one of the purple doves in the right sidebar, please.)
I thought I’d be refreshed by now after writing my novel in November but just as I was about to read the last 250 unread blog posts, do the last two loads of laundry and vacuum the house for the first time in weeks, and even thought about mopping the floors for the first time since July or so – my son got sick. Another middle ear infection. So instead of resting and treating my own cold I spent the last weekend with a whimpering child on my lap. Or next to him while he slept. He is feeling much better now after taking penicillin for the first time in his whole life but I had to streamline my to-do-list a bit.
And that is why I want to apologize to all of you whose blog posts I haven’t read or commented on since the beginning of November. Especially flutter, Liv, and Lia. Some of you were even participating in the “posting-every-day”-madness, and so I found the task of reading so overwhelming that I just didn’t do it. As of today my feed reader is blank again. I’m sorry though that I have missed your posts (though I have read them in part). I feel especially sad for not having commented on Lia’s excellent blog since she is not exactly drowning in comments. You should totally go over to her place though. She is living in the North of Germany, originally from Canada, has followed as diverse careers as ballet and engineering and makes the most wonderful collages.
Also I’m very thankful that Liv included me in her enormous link-post. I’ll be thinking about “She’s a Diva.” for ages.
Thank you for all your comments in the last weeks, for following my log to its new home, and returning even though it was completely unreachable last weekend. Hopefully I will be writing more coherent posts, and something along the lines of “7 things about me” or some such for which Joanna tagged me.
And remember the just posts please. They will be turning one year old soon. Isn’t that amazing?