I already told you that my husband has become a blogger too. Over at psychedelic zen guitar he pairs gorgeous photos with breath-taking guitar improvisations. Recently he started collaborating with Elspeth Duncan who blogs at now is wow. They have teamed up three times so far. Their first collaboration doesn’t really have a name yet. If you want you can choose one since it’s still showing at a blog near you. Interestingly the video and music were created independently of one another. But they match perfectly nonetheless.
The second one, “magic” started life as a piece of music my husband had recorded. Then Elspeth did the video. (And it is filmed with the iSight camera of a macbook. Which goes to show that you don’t need much equipment for being creative. See. I told you so.)
With the third project they turned the process around. It’s called wind:
Here is what Elspeth wrote about the process of making it:
Collaborative music/video/spoken word project between Trinidad and Germany. The video was created first in Trinidad and edited with ‘silence’ as the soundtrack. Without seeing the video, Susanne (in Germany) was asked to say something in English about the wind – 20 seconds in length. This narrative was added to the video which was then sent to Gary in Germany who viewed the video and composed the music. The music was then sent back to me to edit into the video.
What is interesting is that Susanne had no idea that the location of shooting (Temple in the Sea, Trinidad) is a sacred site where Hindu people are also cremated outdoors on a large open-air pyre. Her words, about the wind taking bits and pieces of her to the sea, reflect what happens when ‘bits’ (smoke, ashes) of the cremated person are carried on the wind to the sea around the Temple.
Video – Elspeth Duncan
Voice – Susanne Fritzsche
Music – Gary WinterLocation: Temple in the Sea, Waterloo, Carapichaima, Trinidad, W.I.
This is what everybody keeps talking about. You start a blog and suddenly you are doing a creative project with somebody halfway around the world.
(For those of you interested, my script stands at 17,200 words. Four more days and 2,800 words to go. Normal blogging will hopefully be resumed soon.)
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Oi rodrigo. Obrigada pelo commente. Espero que não foi somente pela publicidade. Si voçê não saber o seu technorati rank não aumenta com mais “comment links”. Até mais.
Hi rodrigo. Thanks for your comment. I hope you didn’t do it for advertising only. In case you didn’t know, your technorati ranking doesn’t increase by leaving links in comments. See you soon.
Oi rodrigo. Obrigada pelo commente. Espero que não foi somente pela publicidade. Si voçê não saber o seu technorati rank não aumenta com mais “comment links”. Até mais.
Hi rodrigo. Thanks for your comment. I hope you didn’t do it for advertising only. In case you didn’t know, your technorati ranking doesn’t increase by leaving links in comments. See you soon.
These are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them here. I really will have to get over to Gary’s blog more often.
What is you opinion about / suggestion for people who do not recognize or acknowledge the value of creativity? I think this may be my biggest obstacle.
Sorry if you have written about this previously, but I am brain dead lately.
These are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them here. I really will have to get over to Gary’s blog more often.
What is you opinion about / suggestion for people who do not recognize or acknowledge the value of creativity? I think this may be my biggest obstacle.
Sorry if you have written about this previously, but I am brain dead lately.
now that is just “cool as shit”. I love it! It amazes me how creative people can be, and she has a lovely, lovely voice. She should do those “go to sleep” tapes for little kids….
now that is just “cool as shit”. I love it! It amazes me how creative people can be, and she has a lovely, lovely voice. She should do those “go to sleep” tapes for little kids….
very cool!
very cool!
Wow. I would love to see it. Our Internet connection will not allow me to view.
“Her words, about the wind taking bits and pieces of her to the sea, reflect what happens when ‘bits’ (smoke, ashes) of the cremated person are carried on the wind to the sea around the Temple.”
I am speechless with admiration.
Wow. I would love to see it. Our Internet connection will not allow me to view.
“Her words, about the wind taking bits and pieces of her to the sea, reflect what happens when ‘bits’ (smoke, ashes) of the cremated person are carried on the wind to the sea around the Temple.”
I am speechless with admiration.
I really liked the video and I think it is wonderful that your husband is blogging. I guess you are an inspiration for each other. I look forward to seeing more of the projects!
I really liked the video and I think it is wonderful that your husband is blogging. I guess you are an inspiration for each other. I look forward to seeing more of the projects!