Ha, I really got tagged this time. Granted, asking somebody “And whom do you tag?” is about as subtle as jumping up and down, frantically waving and yelling “Pick me! Pick me!” on top of you lungs, but still, officially and personally tagged for the first time. Oh, by Meno. Why couldn’t I have reacted to a meme where you don’t have to think, like that itunes-meme I was thinking of stealing. So, questions and answers (and no multiple choice)
1. If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others, what would it be?
I didn’t know you get to choose the vices. I’d say over-indulgence. But I could have said beer. But that’s not a vice. Isn’t it?
2. If you could change one specific thing about the world, what would it be?
I would give all people complete awareness and enlightenment. But I think it doesn’t work that way.
3. Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
Cartoon character? As in animated? I’ll copy this one from Meno and say Daria. I haven’t watched the show on a regular basis, but I liked her a lot.
4. If you could live one day in your life over again, which day would it be?
Well, only if you force me to. Maybe May 1st, 1994, when after our second date, my husband-to-be and I realized that we’d be staying together. It was spring, we went to the station hand in hand, and sat down on a bench looking at green and yellow fields and trees. Sigh. Though I don’t know, I spent the rest of the day working on my dissertation.
5. If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person, who would it be?
A writer I would have loved to meet, but who probably wouldn’t have been that interested in meeting me, would be Carolyn Heilbrun.
6. What is one thing you lost, sold, or threw away that you wish you had back?
Um. No regrets. New things are always so much more exciting.
7. What is your one most important contribution to this world?
Teaching people they can be creative, and that there is another lifestyle apart from being a “muggle”.
8. What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
If I have one, it is hidden to me too. Though I may have a very hidden talent for drawing. I never draw, so I’m not good at it, but when I concentrate, sometimes one glances a sparkle of talent, inherited from my father and grandfather.
9. What is your most cherished possession?
This means things, doesn’t it? My piano. Though my computer comes in a close second. I have lived without computer and without piano. Without piano was worse. But then, why should I have to choose? (And if I only had the money, I’d buy a new piano in a split-second.)
10. What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
Obviously my mother. (If Meno finds that exorcist, send her over to my place too, please.) Second, maybe Dorothy L. Sayers.
(I know it said one person, I’m not stupid, I have listened, but almost everybody is highly influenced by her mother. To say otherwise would be lying. But my mother is not the person that shaped my thinking much.)
11. What word describes you better than any other?
Confused? I’ll settle for complex. Ah, no, now I got it: woman.
Phew, describing a person with one word. I’m certainly not a one-word-person. Even when people are asking me for my sign I’ll say, “Leo with ascendent Sagittarius, but I’m not that fiery, because I have that Saturn on my moon in Aries, and then there’s this whole bunch of planets on top of my horoscope with all that scorpionic and plutonic influence, but my family is very fishy…”)
Okay, I’ve done it. That’s a tough one. So, anybody who wants to do this meme, feel tagged. I’m especially tagging De and Liv, who probably have better things to do with their time. (Psst, and if you’re to cool for memes? Just ignore it.)
Nice job missy!
Looks like i should have become a mother exorcist, i could have made a fortune. Hmmm, maybe i will anyway. I’ll do it by phone, like the psychics.
Nice job missy!
Looks like i should have become a mother exorcist, i could have made a fortune. Hmmm, maybe i will anyway. I’ll do it by phone, like the psychics.
Well, I’ve no doubt you have talents. And if you keep going, I’m sure I’ll eventually achieve awareness and enlightenment. Only a few million more after that, sister!
Thank you so much for being my friend and for helping me to be and do more. It is a contribution to be proud of.
Gush, gush, gush.
Well, I’ve no doubt you have talents. And if you keep going, I’m sure I’ll eventually achieve awareness and enlightenment. Only a few million more after that, sister!
Thank you so much for being my friend and for helping me to be and do more. It is a contribution to be proud of.
Gush, gush, gush.
oooh. i like this one – or rather, i like your answers to this one..you woman, you.
woman. yes.
oooh. i like this one – or rather, i like your answers to this one..you woman, you.
woman. yes.
yes, good meme and good answers.
I did the itunes meme and it wasn’t as mindless as you’d think. I had to think of clever ways to explain poor music choices.
I like you tag line. That’s me, except for the clean toilets. And maybe the art.
yes, good meme and good answers.
I did the itunes meme and it wasn’t as mindless as you’d think. I had to think of clever ways to explain poor music choices.
I like you tag line. That’s me, except for the clean toilets. And maybe the art.
Thanks to you all for commenting.
Jen, when you write it like that it sounds like Tarzan.
KC, you had me lol at “That’s me, except for the clean toilets. And maybe the art.” And I’ll count blogging in with writing, and that’s art. – Well, sometimes it is.
Thanks to you all for commenting.
Jen, when you write it like that it sounds like Tarzan.
KC, you had me lol at “That’s me, except for the clean toilets. And maybe the art.” And I’ll count blogging in with writing, and that’s art. – Well, sometimes it is.