If I had thought about it some more I could totally have predicted this.
I went to bed half an hour late, slept well, woke up a little sluggish but still finished the complete morning routine. And decided to set my alarm 15 minute earlier starting today because I’m slow and sluggish often enough that having a couple minutes more time in the morning will be a good thing.
Since it was cold enough to feel like winter my husband decided to start the wood stove which meant everything took longer. I had a rather enjoyable hour reading and knitting between my breakfast and his, though.
With the threat of impending eye surgery gone I decided it was time to make an appointment to get yet another pair of glasses and also to book a dermatologist appointment. Those always take months, anyway.
Most of the time. This time both of them will be next week. The week that was bonkers busy even before that.
I looked at the grocery list, saw that it was very short and decided to go grocery shopping first instead of starting with the cleaning and such. So I walked to a closer supermarket than the one I usually go to and just when I came back the doorbell rang.
The mother of a potential new student who had left a message on voice mail and hadn’t heard back. Well, yeah. You and the three other people who called. Because I’m still busy getting my ducks in a row with the schedule so I can see if I want to take on more students or not. (Probably not.) She also told me that she got my number from another student of mine, something that bumps people up on the waiting list.
(It’s like this: I prefer people who use email over those who call on the phone. Siblings of existing students and former students who want to start again have priority and if someone comes through personal recommendation I will consider them before those who don’t have a personal connection.
If you ring the doorbell at my house, especially during mealtimes, that will put you at the bottom of the list. Most of the time.)
I then unpacked the rest of the groceries, listened to my husband telling me how stressful cooking is and helped him cut up a few things. He made veggie saffron rice, dal, spinach and chicken. And two boiled eggs:
The kitchen looked extremely lived in afterwards:
I sat down in the middle of the mess to enjoy some of the chocolate I had bought that day. It looked rather gray and sad:
And then I saw the „best before“-date:
Um, no. (For those of you who are not German that means July 11th, not November 7th of this year.)
I briefly contemplated unearthing the receipt from under uncooked pieces of chicken, walking back to the store and getting my money back but I decided it wasn’t worth it.
I taught my first student, then went to the basement to get the load of laundry my husband had started earlier. The laundry wasn’t there anymore, so I rejoiced and went upstairs to fold the other load that was still on the drying rack in the living room. I briefly wondered where my husband had hung the laundry but there is another rack in the annex.
Well, when I went to the annex to put my husband’s folded laundry on his TV chair I found out where he did put the wet laundry. It was still in the hamper in the annex.
He often does that because he thinks taking it upstairs is a step in the right direction. Which it is. But I never think to look for a hamper of wet laundry in the annex. Now, if he had put it in the living room…
So I hung up most of the load in a hurry until I heard my second student of the day ring the bell. Taught him, though, „I’ll just sit down for a bit, then finish hanging the laundry, do the dishes, change the sheets and start cleaning before it is time for bodyweight training,“ and then I sat there reading. And eating a pastry. And reading some more and texting back and forth with friends.
Until my husband came over after teaching, wanted to tell me all about his day and I was completely unable to be social. Just poof, tank empty.
So I sat some more, started writing this post when it was already dinnertime, finally hung up that last few straggling socks, ate dinner, did the dishes but left all the many pots that still had food in them, watched some C-drama while knitting and went to bed.
So I guess I’ll do the book cover feedback today and clean some stuff.
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