Yes, I went to bed too late again. Yes, I only got 6 !/2 hours of sleep. No, that was not a good idea.
But for some reason I was actually wide awake, excited about the day and full of energy. I think it’s because I was almost done organizing the week off and having that epiphany about needing more „new, different and exiting“ things in my life so that I can get the routines on track.
Oh wait, I’ve talked about this everywhere but not here. So. On Thursday I was thinking about why I can’t seem to get my evening routine (or any kind of routine, to be honest) locked in anymore. I mean, there is a huge part of me that loves routine and sameness and predictability. But. There is also a part of me that needs things to be new! and different! and exciting! And I suddenly realized that my life is lacking those qualities. Also joy. Totally falling through the cracks. I try to be sensible and get things done and not dive into chaos. And floss and clean the house and keep on top of laundry, you know the drill.
And I remembered how when my son was in kindergarten I did an experiment where I did one thing differently than normal. Take a different route to kindergarten or buy a different ice cream flavor, just something. I had read about it in a women’s magazine where it was advertised as a strategy for weightless. And it actually worked. For a while.
And revenge bedtime procrastination is about the feeling that you don’t really have control over your life and that your day was lacking and so you try to grab some time for yourself at a time where you should be asleep.
So I’m trying to revive the „so something different every day“-strategy. Who knows, maybe I’ll even lose some weight through it but that’s not my main motivation here.
Anyways, I woke up, felt much better than the whole week and did my complete morning routine. Yes! That yoga was sorely needed. When I was doing the breakfast dishes I had to stop listening to Strauss „Metamorphosen“ first because my husband showed up just as I had started listening (that happens a lot) and second because that piece is 27 minutes long. I didn’t have that much washing up to do. But I’ll listen to it today.
Instead I switched to a YouTube video about temperature. And that brought me to building a weather station using a Raspberry Pi (that is a kind of small, cheap computer). And now I want one. I spent a happy twenty minutes researching how to do that. And finding out what kind of Raspberry Pi the boy owns and if we could use that. That was exciting!
I also researched thyroid surgery and now I have a better understanding of how that all works and what to expect. And then – still looking for something new and exciting – I decided that if I ever lose my voice and can’t teach anymore I’ll become a programmer or maybe I’ll help people with their WordPress sites. And then I went off researching Udemy courses on Java, Python, WordPress and SEO.
I am very proud of myself. I didn’t buy anything. But I might.
Anyways, I had a lot of fun. Ha!
I started cleaning a little earlier than usual but didn’t get finished. I did order and pick up takeout, though. It was very yummy and we even ate all together and had a nice civilized conversation:
I contemplated ordering something different from what I always order but decided I had enough excitement for the day:
I had plans of finishing the cleaning before and in between students but I didn’t. I played silly iPad games instead and I regret nothing. There were only four students, all very pleasant and I might have found a new book explaining how to play bar piano that might actually work which is very exciting. The ebook is even in Kindle Unlimited so I’ll check it out over the weekend.
I ate the second half of my noodles for dinner. I used to do that all the time, every time I had takeout I’d eat a little more than half for lunch and the rest for dinner but the past few years I always ate it all for lunch.
I started writing this post, almost forgot about Duolingo, watched some C-drama and went to bed.
I guess today will be more cleaning. And something new and different. And fun, I hope.
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