In between reading I actually did get stuff done. Not quite enough but I’ll take what I get.
I wrote morning pages, skipped yoga again and made myself breakfast. Wove a few ends in on the crochet blanket and talked with my husband. Did some admin, listened to Wagner and Allegri as suggested by „The Year of Wonder“. I had to do two pieces because I didn’t have time for it the day before. As expected I did not like the Wagner (Meistersinger Overture, meh) but I really liked the Allegri Miserere. I do have a thing for baroque music and polyphony. Husband did not like that I was doing the dishes that late but I didn’t care much because I made progress on novel revision. And I found a new pomodoro timer app that looks fun but not too distracting.
And then I actually did strength training. I also wanted to do some stretching but my husband asked me to help with making lunch and we were already late. Dinner was very good:
Somehow my husband and I started a debate that made us both angrier by the minute but I broke it off by pointing out that I needed to take a shower ASAP. Then I taught all the students, decided to skip the Zoom thing in the evening, ate dinner, answered a friend’s message, talked with husband again, briefly saw the boy when he got himself some food, started writing this post, did the dishes, watched episode 2 of „Unchained Love“ and went to bed.
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