And yes, I went to bed past midnight again.
The really problematic thing these days is that every evening I end up sitting there for an hour or two dreading the dishes, and the blog post and Duolingo (we’re not talking about the other Chinese app because I’m actually not doing the other Chinese app at the moment) and brushing my teeth. The one thing I really want to do is watch something and read something but even that sometimes seems like it’s too much.
And yes, doing the bulk of the dishes after lunch would be a very good idea but these days lunch is often late and with all those additional students I’m starting early more often than not and it feels like I really need a sizable break between lunch and whatever the afternoon holds.
On the other hand if I were better rested I probably wouldn’t have to sit there for so long before I start.
I’ll let you know how that goes.
So, despite going to bed too late I got up after a mere 6 1/4 hours of sleep (and my sleep app declared my readiness to be low), wrote morning pages, did yoga and meditated (for three minutes). I even managed to have my breakfast ready before my husband showed up. I sat there, wanting to crochet my new blanket (Sungold from the Attic 24 website) when this happened:
I used almost all of my morning crochet time to untangle that yarn barf.
Again, I did not open the manuscript but I managed to do bodyweight training, help my husband with cooking a little, clean the washbasins and toilets and take a shower, all before lunch. Well, lunch was an hour late but still.
Non-spicy Indian food is weird but I’m grateful my husband made that for me. My poor delicate tummy doesn’t agree with spicy. In fact, it was also a little upset at this meal even though it was not hot at all.
Then I had a break where I mostly talked with the boy after which I fired up the Wii U to play „Breath of the Wild“ for the first time in years. I decided to start the whole thing over but then after a little more than an hour I was at the same point where I gave up the last time. It’s weird to be so bad at these kinds of games. I struggle with the controller and often have trouble just running around and pointing the camera where I’m going. I guess I need to spend some more time on this. I’m sure it will be fun but also frustrating like everything new that I learn.
I had to interrupt the game for the live Kickoff call for the course about long-term planning I’m taking. I had planned to work on the course between that call and dinner but instead I went straight back to Hyrule.
I talked to my husband a little, ate dinner, lounged about because I dreaded doing the dishes and such, talked to the boy again, did the dishes after all, started writing this post, really wanted a beer (but I didn’t get one because of stomach issues, instead I made myself a nice cup of chamomile/fennel tea, yeah), did some Duolingo, watched C-drama and went to bed.
Today will be a full day as well, there will be gnocchi making and weekly planning and a very late coaching call before the new week.
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