And I could just whine and complain all day. Which wouldn’t be fun. Just one thing, though, the slippers I bought at the end of August are already broken. They are made of felt with a partial rubber sole sewn onto the bottom and unsurprisingly a bit of the rubber has come off, the stitches have come undone and now I’m walking around with a tripping hazard. I bought these for my custom insoles. Seems I’m too hard on my house slippers for a model like these. My husband was nice enough to try glueing the thing back together but it has come apart after just one day again:
That weird yellow-ish spot is the glue my husband used. I was very skeptical about glueing anything to felt from the start. I have ordered replacement slippers, same company but with a rubber sole that covers all of the slipper.
I had gone to bed half an hour late after having a beer. Which was a bad idea, my stomach did complain and I had a hard time getting ready for bed. Not quite sure if I will ever learn, we’ll see I guess. I did get enough sleep but got up too late for my morning routine.
Getting the wood stove going took half an hour longer than usual so we were running late then as well. On the upside the boy was actually up and having breakfast at breakfast time. I called my mother on the phone, started the dishes too late and got in my husband’s way while he was cooking and so lunch was late as well:
Pretty tasty rice-thing, somewhere between paella and pilaf with some sprouts thrown in. I then proceeded to eat too much chocolate against frustration and exhaustion. I had a nice afternoon watching videos and crocheting. I’m on my last row of squares and too impatient to sew in ends. And yes, I know that that will come to bite me later.
Like the day before I tried working on my manuscript again and like the day before I got stalled by my cute pomodoro app not working any longer. I have been using PomoFarm for quite some time, long enough that it is baked into my writing routine and so I spent the time I would have had trying to troubleshoot the app instead of trying to troubleshoot the manuscript. Meh.
I watched some TV after doing Duolingo and planning the week and am hoping this week will be more productive than the last one.
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