After spending Thursday and Friday with people I am still feeling like a limp dishrag crumpled on the floor. So instead of a recap of the past few days you just get this.
So things are fine-ish. My mother-in-law’s birthday dinner was nice and a little boring. Our houseguests were nice as well but one of them was really exhausting. I did get actually mansplained about teaching piano and the same person had times where they weren’t even leaving those short spaces in the conversation where you’re supposed to say, „Mmh,“ and nod.
All I can say is that if you ever find yourself in the position of telling people about something you find really fascinating please pause from time to time to see if your audience is still looking engaged and interested. If you find yourself talking at length, try to take a break and ask the other person something. Or just shut up for a second and see what happens.
And I’m saying that as someone who used to wonder why people I was talking to at parties who went to fetch themselves another drink somehow never made it back to our conversation.
My brain might have melted and not in a good way.
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