Woke up at 6.42 again after turning the lights out at 11.30 which was better than the day before but not good. Had a slow start to the day but still managed the complete morning routine.
And then it feels as if I did – nothing?
Had breakfast, wove in more ends but not a lot, spent some time online, woke the boy, spent time with my husband, did the dishes, got sucked into a conversation on Slack, decided to take another enneagram test (still not convinced), did 15 minutes of mobility training which is something I think that will be very helpful in the long run. I found it interesting that I’m super stiff everywhere but my elbows, wrists and toes. Well, I have been doing some exercises for my poor feet and apparently, playing piano and especially guitar trains your elbow and wrist joins. Hm, maybe the knitting and crochet also help.
We had rice and dal for lunch. My stomach was rather angry about all the spices:
It turned out that the boy got the times wrong when he needed to be at uni so he ended up not going at all. Which meant he wanted to talk after lunch which was nice but I would have liked to have some time alone to myself before teaching.
Teaching was fun. I also wrote two emails and called a potential new student on the phone during my break.
Sat down at the computer very determined to work on the novel afterwards, ended up on social media and then started writing this post.
Ate dinner, talked with the boy and had him do an enneagram test for fun, did novel revision for half an hour, did the dishes, did Chinese, watched C-drama and toddled off to bed. Only fifteen minutes of watching TV, finally the tiredness caught up with me.
I’m still a bit unsure if I will go grocery shopping today or tomorrow because I have a dentist appointment. A medium amount of teaching but probably no time and energy for novel revision again. Harumph.
Almost fall break.
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