Maybe it was a good idea that I never got around to making a list then.
Although. That’s wrong, I did make a list. Some time in the afternoon.
I did spent most of the morning finding out all about what it means that a fellow student in the boy’s grade has tested positive. Turns out the whole grade is automatically in quarantine. Not their families, though, which is a relief.
We did make the lunch my husband had envisioned for ten days or so but it was a little late and the boy ate it up in his room:
That’s homemade aioli with some veggies.
In the afternoon I read a bit and then I went and emailed and texted all my students to change all the lessons from in-person to video. I never found out what the rules about this are but I thought it would be a good idea.
Then it was time for dinner and I watched some ‚Miss Fisher‘, watched another Facebook thing, started writing this post, read some more and went to bed. Oh, and I planned the upcoming week.
Today I will buy all the groceries, the boy will have school online, we’ll figure out how to get him to a testing place without using public transport and I will spend all afternoon in front of my iPad teaching. At least I can leave the windows closed when it’s just me.
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