I totally overslept and woke up at 6.30. Did my yoga but not much else. I read a bit and knitted. Talked with husband and son. Did dishes. Broke a 3 mm wooden needle tip when trying to pick up something from the floor. The needle got caught between me and the table. Oops. Which meant I started the cardigan a third time. This time will stick, I hope. I also ordered new needles because the one I’m using now will be too short to hold all the stitches soon.
I turned the heel on a sock. I did a load of laundry. My to-do list held such lofty goals as recording a podcast episode. Turned out I definitely was not in a podcast-recording mood. Had a bit of a headache again. I think these are tension headaches. Might be stress-related.
My husband made a very yummy lunch:
Stereotypical German food.
There was some folding of laundry. And a lot of snack-eating. And reading and knitting.
In the evening the boy and I watched some Star Trek and weren’t all that convinced yet again. Right in the middle the boy asked, „Is it us or is it the show?“ Good question. We stopped the Voyager episode after fifteen minutes when we saw that it was extra long. We can watch it tonight.
Today there will be the cleaning of the house, lots of teaching, more Star Trek. Also, more snacks and more beer, I guess. Extra knitting and reading.
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