I woke up around 5.30 again but instead of getting up right away I somehow stayed in bed for forty minutes or so. Still, there was yoga, a little meditation and morning pages. Only one session of fiction writing but that’s better than nothing.
Breakfast, talking with husband, talking with son, dishes. My husband picked all the spinach and we spent an hour getting it ready and made pancakes with spinach for lunch:
Dishes again, a short break and then more spinach. We spend another hour or so cleaning it and got everything ready to freeze. Phew.
And there went the time I had planned to spend on recording the podcast. Good thing there’s a public holiday on Thursday.
Then I started making three more masks. The day before I had determined which size mask fits the boy and so I needed to make three more for a total of five so he can wear a different one every day when he gets back to school. I even found some more elastic. Which is very good because I thought I had run out of the kind that’s narrow enough.
It took me two hours to make three masks. I guess I’m getting faster but it still feels rather slow.
I was finished just in time for dinner. The boy and I ate in front of TV and watched some more Enterprise and Voyager. I did like both episode but the boy found the Enterprise one very boring. I had planned to spin but it was so cold in the living room that I ended up wrapping up in a blanket and knitting.
I started writing this post, planned the week, wrote in my journal and went to bed.
Today the boy is going back to school. They established a rotation so that half the students stay home every week which is why he didn’t have to go last week. There are rules about wearing masks and keeping the distance and opening the windows and such. There will be no PE, no singing and apparently no English conversation class.
I’m hoping to write a little, maybe start reading the first Eva Mandel novel for revision, go running and certainly teach all the students. Bonus points for laundry and getting all the elastic into all the masks.
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