I woke up early again and squandered the first two hours of my day. I really should stop doing that.
But after breakfast the day got better and I did get quite a few things done overall.
I went to the farmer’s market for potatoes and to the tea shop because I was out of tea. Both times I bought enough that I won’t have to come back soon. I got a little angry because people don’t seem to be able to tell how far apart 1.5 meters is. Apparently there are many who think half a meter is enough distance, especially outside.
Then I changed into running gear and went out. It was pretty windy and slightly too cold for my shorts and tee combination but the run did go well:
The weather is still too dry but rather gorgeous.
I am very grateful to whoever filled in new gravel. The whole way was smoother from beginning to end, all the holes fixed:
I didn’t meet many people in the woods, so that was nice.
When I came back home lunch was almost ready. Once again my husband had done all the work without any help from me. I took a shower before tucking in:
Favorite meal. I took a break while reading, did the dishes and made new deodorant. Then it was time to teach my first student of the day. Video chat for the win. I even made good use of the break between students and did lesson prep. I’m still not finished with that but made good progress.
Was done with teaching by 7, ate too much leftover hamburger for dinner, read more of „Code of Conduct“ by April White which I’m really loving, started writing this post and went to bed a little late.
Today there will be the supermarket run, some light teaching, the coaching call prep, more lesson prep and hopefully some sort of progress on the novel-in-progress even if I only read it for a bit.
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