I slept a full eight hours for the first time in over a week. Ah. Did five minutes of meditation and then went down the internet rabbit hole again. I made breakfast on time and read a bit.There was lots of talking with all members of the family. There was knitting:
It was really cold, gray and wet so my husband built a fire in the wood stove. We went running:
Less people outside than the last days. People are really staying home right now. When I reached the train tracks I met my husband coming back from the other side. We stood and talked and someone passing us was giving us the stinky eye. Well, he was right. He couldn’t know that we live together and therefore don’t have to keep our distance outside as well.
For the first time in weeks I felt like the short running intervals weren’t enough. I would have liked to run for longer and so I did here and there. Then there were pancakes for lunch:
Then dishes and installing Skype on all the devices. And freeing my account from being suspended. (Apparently you need to use your Microsoft account occasionally to keep it.) Then a break and some chocolate. I wrote a ton of emails to students setting up video lessons for next week. And then the boy helped me learn how to Skype.
My husband and the boy did their usual thing and wandered in and out of the kitchen. This time I didn’t get mad because I was expecting it. And by now my husband has realized that remote teaching is the only way forward in the current situation. He even had a student asking if he could come in on Monday but we decided no, he can’t.
So today in the afternoon I’ll try and bring my husband up to speed. That will be interesting.
I had a lot of cleaning on my list as well for the day but there was no more time. I did change the sheets, though. And then the boy and I watched the first part of „Interstellar“. Wow. That movie is seriously good. We stopped in the middle so that we could go to bed on time but we really didn’t want to.
Today there will be yoga and knitting and a virtual knitting meeting and teaching my husband how to do FaceTime and Skype and then I’ll make lists for teaching admin. No idea where I’ll fit the rest of the cleaning in but we’ll see.
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