At least we tried.
I had set my alarm for 5.30, meditated and read the „Daily Stoic“ (and checked my email, ahem) before starting to write. I made breakfast, briefly worried if the boy had overslept but he came down to breakfast right on time. He is still living on a constant diet of yogurt after the wisdom teeth-thing but is improving.
He left for school and just as I was starting to knit my husband wanted breakfast too. So we talked and I knitted and we decided to get going early because of the heat. Did the dishes and got ready to run:
It was very warm but a little windy, so running would have been okay. Unfortunately I didn’t feel like it and walked most of the way. Still. 6.4 k of walking are still exercise:
I came back early enough to go to the health food store before lunch, so I slunk from shadow to shadow while listening to podcasts. I came back with all the ingredients for lunch, took a shower and chopped things:
Then I fell into a deep slump but managed to do more dishes and talk with the boy on his lunch break. I lent a hand to my husband’s project of putting a bigger roof on the wood pile and did some printer maintenance, answered some emails and printed something out for a student.
Then it was time to teach my Monday students, then laundry, a little bit of dinner and bed.
Today there will be a short run, teaching and writing. Very exciting as usual.
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