Hijinks continue.
I woke up early but again did not manage to do anything worth mentioning until after breakfast. My husband showed up ten minutes after his usual time on purpose because I had been so late the day before. I was late with breakfast but not that late.
I knitted a bit and it was clear that my day would be packed to the gills. The plan was to clean early so that I’d be done in time for the boy’s doctor’s appointment, then to eat lunch, teach a potential new student and then to record the podcast because my husband’s student was due an hour later.
But then I got a message from another student that she wanted a lesson that afternoon. Which was great but meant I had to move my schedule around.
While I was thinking about all the things I wanted to do my husband was agonizing about the fact that he had to call the roofer back again. We need a quote for insurance and he said to contact him again if he hadn’t sent it by Wednesday. Fun.
So I recorded the podcast in the morning, then went with the boy to an appointment where I wasn’t needed, walked back home, went grocery shopping because we were totally out of yogurt and some other things and then I ate lunch:
The boy had cauliflower soup instead. Puréed, of course. And eaten with a teaspoon. His pain levels are moderate but he still has a hard time opening his mouth. And chewing might be a bit too much.
After lunch I let myself get sucked into playing a new game on my iPad, then I did the dishes and didn’t have enough time left to do anything podcast-related.
I taught the potential new student and seem to have made a good impression because she is planning to become an actual new student starting in two weeks. I really liked her. She got a little dizzy from a combination of excitement and my studio being rather hot. I did finally haul the fan from the basement at least.
Then another student, starting to work on the podcast and then I watched some Star Trek with the boy.
I am rather fed up with my podcast setup. After cleaning out my Thunderbolt sockets and freeing half the hard drive I tried recording everything on the new laptop again. Which worked fine until it didn’t. The recording stopped five minutes before the end. So I spent about an hour researching USB mics that afternoon. I think I want to invest in that. I’m not thrilled with the sound of the current microphone and connecting via two adapters is not working so I might have to spend some money on this problem before it is driving me crazy.
When starting to work on the video portion of the podcast I also found that sound and image were out of sync on the QuickTime video. Which made synching the audio file to the video a bit challenging.
When we were watching TV I found that we had two messages on voice mail (I get a message on my cell phone when that happens) which basically meant more stuff to deal with.
One was an old school friend of my husband’s who wants to get together today which would be nice if we had the kind of life where you sit next to the phone waiting for someone to call and the other was the offer of getting lent a grand piano until the owner has enough space to keep it himself. Which sound wonderful, especially if you play piano and have longed to have a grand piano for ages. Until you realize that a) you need enough space for the piano, b) you need to pay for getting the piano to your place which would be several hundred euros at least, c) when the piano is in your possession you need to pay for tuning and maintenance which can cost you a fair bit and you still own a piano that needs tuning and maintenance, and d) you have no idea if this is even a good piano or what condition it is in.
I guess I’ll call her, thank her for thinking of me and decline because we don’t have enough space. Which is true.
And then I worked some more on the podcast, published it and went to bed on time at least. Okay, almost.
And this is how I somehow never got around to cleaning the house.
Today is rather packed as well, I want to go for my first run in ages, take a shower and have lunch, then I’ll meet a friend in the afternoon and I have no idea what else but I’m sure I won’t sit anywhere twiddling my thumbs with no idea what to do next.
And I totally get why my husband dislikes phones so much.
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