Since I had gone to bed too late but woke up at 5.30 the day was pretty much doomed from the start.
Late breakfast after a lazy morning in bed, talking with my husband, procrastinating like crazy but in the end I did manage to go for a short 5K run:
Back home where my husband was making chili we found that we were all out of carrots. I went to the nearest grocery store and found that while they do have organic bananas they do not have organic carrots.
Lunch was eaten:
After that I did the dishes and then went out to the health food store and yet another grocery store for carrots, tomato pulp and snacks for the chess figure whittling party in the basement. Just before I went out one of the boy’s classmates came over so they could work on said chess figures.
I spent most of the afternoon eating chocolate while surfing the web but I also finished reading the eight Emma Schumacher-novel. And I wound the yarn for my next sweater into balls and the new yarn for the Crazy Tee. I’d like to finish that before starting the new sweater if at all possible. I won’t lug two sweater projects around while traveling, though.
The boy and I watched an episode of Star Trek, I did write a few words (not many, though), ate more chocolate and went to bed.
Today there will be yoga and writing and knitting and all the usual. Possibly also the writing of a packing list for the upcoming trip. Exciting as ever.
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