Woke up from the alarm, meditated and surfed the web until I was a little late making breakfast.
The boy was a little late too so that turned out okay.
Started reading a new book because I had finished „The Labyrinth Index“ the night before. Really good book but I had a bit of trouble recalling everything that had happened in the nine books before. That’s the problem when you wait too long to read your books. I started „Das Mädchen vom Film“ bei Andrea Instone. And like it so much that I was almost done with it by the end of the day.
Talked with my husband over his breakfast. Dishes and such. I finally wove the ends of my Owligan in and washed it.
I decided to go grocery shopping early because Thursday will be a public holiday, so no grocery shopping. And Wednesdays are for exercise. So I walked all the way to the bigger supermarket in the rain. I wore a pair of jeans for the first time all month because I didn’t want my dress to get wet. I changed into that for teaching.
My husband made lunch without my help. The boy had planned to have lunch with classmates but came back home anyway because his plans were canceled. They did come to our house later to work on those chess pieces. Interestingly, my husband had made lunch for the boy even though he didn’t know he’d show. Intuition is a fine thing:
I taught a handful of students, then had dinner and some more chocolate and almonds and cheese.
Went to bed a little late again.
Today there will be walking and quite a bit of teaching. We’ll see what else I will get done.
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