Still not quite back in the groove. But. I did sleep for something like nine hours straight which is s definite improvement. It did mean turning the lights out around 8 pm but I’m good with that.
So I woke up a little before the alarm, started doing my morning routine things, did not write (I’m starting to feel rather lazy), made breakfast, my husband showed up rather early but this time I was expecting him, I knitted a bit, we talked, we did a few more things to straighten up the mess we made before painting, my husband went to his dentist’s appointment and I went grocery shopping.
Bakery, butcher, health food store and back home while listening to a rather good podcast („The Creative Penn“), I put the groceries away and changed into running gear. By then it was already noon and I was getting a little hungry and didn’t have much energy left which meant that my 3 k run was more like a 3 k walk. But that’s alright. The weather was gorgeous if a little chilly:
Then we had a super-Bavarian lunch:
Traditionally these have to be eaten before noon but that was before modern refrigeration was a thing.
Then I fell into a bit of a slump, talked with the boy, then did dishes and picked myself up from the slump just in time for teaching. In between I had started calculating how long the current novel will take me. Well, if I continue at the same pace as the last few days the answer is ‚an infinite amount of time‘ because there is no progress without writing. If I extrapolate the average pace since I started into the future the answer is 166 days. Um, not good enough.
So, somehow I will have to get myself in the chair and back to writing.
Then I taught my students and it was fun. I was a little disappointed that one of my ukulele students canceled because I have found a really nice fingerpicking piece for her to play. I did offer it to the other two ukulele students (the one who canceled is an adult but those two belong to the elementary school crowd) but they shot it down immediately. So I started them on a Russian folk song instead.
Then the boy and I did twenty minutes of bodyweight exercises, I got ready for bed, contemplated maybe writing a little and went to bed early again.
And all day in between other things I read „Can’t escape love“ the latest in the excellent and fabulous „Reluctant Royals“-series by Alyssa Cole.
Konstanze says
Seit wann liest du Alyssa Cole? Oo
Susanne says
Seit Kristine Kathryn Rusch “A Princess in Theory” im April auf ihrem Blog empfohlen hat…
Konstanze says
Spannend, wie wir immer wieder auf unterschiedlichen Wegen bei den selben Autoren landen.
Claudia says
Bin neidisch auf deine Umgebung. Bei mir gibt’s das nicht um die Ecke zum laufen gehen 🙁
Susanne says
Ist ja blöd, auch kein Park oder sowas?
Claudia says
Leider nicht. Ist ein kleines Dorf. Drumrum aber nicht so picturesque wie bei dir. Kein Wald oder so.