Woke up from the alarm. Inspired from „How to break up with your phone“ I had decided to stay offline for most of the morning. And I actually did! This is huge.
I have decided that my constant checking of email and social media might contribute to my feeling of overwhelm and stress. So I wrote morning pages, read the „Daily Stoic“ and „Year of Wonder“ pages for the day (and the next because both books have pages for February 29th as well) and started writing.
Writing felt really good and the words did flow which is always a joy. Then I quickly checked email, instagram, ravelry and my account balance (as one does) and got up pretty early.
Made breakfast, found that I had forgotten to meditate (there’s always something), had breakfast, read „Digital Minimalism“ (well, the first few pages anyway) and the boy got ready for school. He had tried a new shampoo (something for thick curly hair) that made his hair look rather lustrous but made the whole house smell like an artificial, tropical fruit basket. The jury is still out if the scent is worth it. (We are all rather sensitive to smells, I guess most people wouldn’t have noticed anything.)
Then I meditated and sat there spinning for fifteen minutes while not doing anything else (shocking) and then my husband showed up.
The minutes I saw him I put my book away (all my devices were in airplane mode anyway) and continued crocheting. I’m almost finished with the blanket. But not quite.
Then I sat down and wrote some more while my husband was making lunch:
I did the dishes right away, took a short break and went off to record the podcast. Unfortunately, I had the same sound problems as the two or three times before. I did go and google the problem but the only solution I found was to de-install Garageband and re-install it. Which I did but only after I had recorded. Since there is no guarantee that this will fix the problem I will post the podcast as is. My only comfort is that most people won’t hear it anyway.
Then my first student was a no-show, I taught the other ones and got a phone call from yet another potential new student. Very good.
The boy and I did strength training, I worked a little on the podcast but not much because by then my energy for the day was all gone, and so I went to bed super-early again.
Today there will be all the things! Cleaning! Cross-training! Pizza! Loads of teaching! And I’m hoping that the boy will watch the next Star Trek movie with me.
And then it will be the start of carnival break.
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