I woke up at 5.30 again, this time I had slept a little better. Wrote my morning pages, added some words to the novel, made breakfast, meditated for five minutes, wrote some more words on the novel. Because I knew I’d be insanely busy the rest of the day for once I was almost disciplined.
The I finished the second sleeve on the Owligan. I’m thinking I need to switch knitting projects more often, my right wrist ist starting to be a little sore and I’m blaming the super-bulky held double. Time for a bit of sock knitting in between.
Then I went grocery shopping. It was crazy busy but oddly enough not as stressful as I had expected. I’m getting used to the store and I did expect a bit of pre-Christmas madness.
Came back, unpacked the groceries, diced a carrot. Had a very lovely lunch:
Afterwards I hopped into the shower right away and even blow-dried my hair which I never do anymore because I wanted to record the English podcast episode. Which I did. But not before explaining bra construction to the boy. As one does. Priorities.
I managed to cram all the content from nine podcast episode into 90 minutes, even. And was finished in time for teaching.
Then almost non-stop teaching for three hours with the boy’s piano lesson right in the middle. This time my husband joined us because now he wanted to teach him all about swing feeling. We’re taking our jazz serious in this house.
Then I started writing this post, did all the dishes together with my husband, spun my advent calendar fiber and fell into bed.
Today will be the last official teaching day of the year! With only three students even. And there will be the cleaning and the going out for Chinese and sushi for lunch and maybe the getting my new contact lenses from the optician.
Also I will get the podcast ready for publishing and the boy and I are planning to watch some Star Trek, We can’t yet decide if we’ll do the big ‚chips and licorice‘-palooza tonight or just eat lots of chocolate truffles instead. We need to decide, though, because chocolate and licorice don’t really go together well.
I’d say that’s a great problem to have.
tinijoens says
Von Marabou gibt es eine Schokolade mit Lakritz. Also natürlich geht das. Im Kaffeeladen hier in Kiel gibt es auch mit Schokolade überzogene Lakritzstangen. Vielleicht sind wir da skandinavischer geprägt (Softeis mit Salzlakritzstreuseln. Lecker!)
Susanne says
Tja, Bayern ist lakritztechnisch ja eher Entwicklungsland. Lakritzschokolade habe ich nur mal von Zotter probiert, die war furchtbar. Marabou mag ich an sich sehr gerne, die muss ich mal ausprobieren.
Ich sehe schon, ich muss mal in Kiel Lakritz kaufen gehen. Oder in Hamburg, wenn ich da im April bin.
Aber die Trüffel, die wir gerade hier haben, passen definitiv nicht zu den Katjes Katzenohren!
Konstanze says
Wir haben von der ehemaligen Nachbarin eine sündhaft teure Packung Schokolade mit Lakritz aus Skandinavien bekommen und ich persönlich finde die fürchterlich, obwohl ich sowohl Lakritz als auch Schokoladem mag. Mein Mann, der kein Lakritz mag, mag diese Schoko-Lakritz-Kombi immerhin essen, findet sie aber auch nicht besonders lecker. *g*
Susanne says
Ich würde ja vermuten, dass Lakritzschokolade was für Leute ist, die eigentlich kein Lakritz mögen, aber ich bin ziemlich sicher, Tini fällt nicht darunter. Vielleicht einfach weiter probieren…