I woke up at 5.35 again and wrote morning pages. Managed to get up on time, wrote 400 words, had breakfast, meditated and watched a few minutes of the book cover design course before my husband showed up. Then I knitted on the handspun hat I’m making for him.
Then it was time for epic erranding. I got yet another test contact from the optician, went to the bakery, and another bakery, the butcher and to a drug store where I met a woman that I did jazz dance with ages ago (I stopped when I was pregnant with the boy). We meet each other in the street every few months, She does feel a little unhappy to me and is one of those people that I can’t stop thinking about.
Then I went to a grocery store for oats and coffee creamer and to the health food store and back home where my husband was in bad need of clarified butter so I went back out to yet another grocery store. Phew.
Packed everything away and tried to help with lunch but there wasn’t much to do. We had potatoes, sauerkraut and Leber- und Blutwurst which is as Bavarian as it can get. I didn’t take a picture because a) I forgot and b) it doesn’t really look all that appetizing, It’s really good, though.
Then I procrastinated a bit, did my singing warm-up, taught a few students, printed new grocery lists, taught some more, made the boy practice piano, decided that I need a new spinning project for Sunday’s spinning meeting and started preparing an carding the fiber, started this post, waited for a webinar to start (this time on finances for women), and started to watch the webinar while spinning my advent calendar fiber:
I decided that the webinar was not something I needed, watched some things on youtube instead, did a ton of dishes and went to bed a little late.
On my list was also ‚drawing‘ and ‚mike test‘. I guess I’ll move that to today.
Today there will be running and teaching and yet another webinar. This one will be earlier, though.
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