Yes, I woke up early again, at 5.15, and I wrote between 5.30 and 6 and that just made my day.
After breakfast I meditated for five minutes and then I started preparing the podcast.
Then I cleaned the water filter. You see, the day before we had realized that there were moss or algae growing inside it. Since we don’t like that in our tea there had to be something done. I also talked with the boy about how university works. I’m not the best person to give advice on that these days because university changed a lot since I was there but since he knew nothing about it…
Then I went running. Or rather mostly walking with a bit of running thrown in:
Went back home, confused my husband (I wanted to buy a new water filter right away, he didn’t) and then I helped to make lunch:
Only procrastinated a little bit. Then I started plying two more balls of burgundy merino and washed the yarn I made that two days before. I finished the plying just in time to teach my one student of the day, watched some Star Trek with the boy, slumped down at the kitchen table and went to bed a little late.
Today there will be the beginning of NaNoWriMo! Which means a little more writing than yesterday. And I will record the podcast. Not much else planned for the day. If the yarn is already dry (which I doubt) I will knit a gauge swatch for my NaKniSweMo sweater.
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