Woke up real early. Wrote first time in the morning for once.
Breakfast, helping the boy getting ready for school, managed to not write after breakfast because I was busy with other stuff.
Spent the rest of the morning running errands, got another pair of test lenses from the optician, send a return package back with the broken cable and went to the health food store. Then I helped to make lunch:
Lots of veggies…
The boy came back home a little later than usual, so I sat with him while he ate lunch (and while he tried explaining some chemistry). I did the dishes and then it was already time for teaching. Had back to back students until six or so, then the boy came over for his piano practice and we talked about intervals and dissonances and all kinds of stuff for half an hour.
There was still an hour before the webinar left. I had wanted to watch it in my studio but by then I was feeling rather tired and cold so I decided to retire to bed.
I really liked the online workshop this time. Maybe I liked it better because I was actually doing the exercises she led for once. Note to self: sitting on the sidelines is no fun.
I have been feeling all cold all the time again a short while ago. The other day I was sitting outside on the porch in the sun wearing a heavy fleece sweater, jeans and wool socks and my hands were all white and cold. While my husband was sitting next to me barefoot in shorts and a sleeveless tee. He was perfectly fine, by the way, it was actually really warm.
It might be time to look for an endocrinologist and have someone look at my thyroid again.
My mother-in-law keeps telling me that I’m only cold because I’m sitting around all the time. Funny thing is that when I come home from running I am happy and warm for about ten to fifteen minutes and then I start being cold again. I’m getting enough sleep and I’m eating enough (often more than enough) as well.
Meanwhile I’m going to bed earlier and earlier because it’s really cozy and warm there. There are worse things than that.
Today I will go for a run, teach quite a few students, write, prepare the podcast and maybe pull out the sewing machine even.
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