So it turned out that my husband’s friend had sent him an email on Saturday morning but my husband only received it in the evening, about twelve hours late. Getting that earlier would have made our Saturday much more enjoyable for sure.
So I woke early and had breakfast and did not write. (I am seeing a pattern here.) But I did meditate so that’s a step in the right direction.
My husband got up early-ish as well. We talked, he started packing, I did the dishes. Then I mostly sat around waiting.
We made lunch very early because he had to catch a train around our usual lunchtime:
Bockwurst, carrots and peas and homemade mashed potatoes. The carrots from the garden taste spectacular and everything else as well, even though I put a bit too much milk into the potatoes.
Then my husband had about thirty minutes before he had to leave. In those thirty minutes he wanted to: 1) take a shower, 2) water the garden, 3) finish packing, and 4) buy a ticket.
I bought the ticket for him online and printed it out and I did most of the watering.
Then I did the dishes with the boy’s help and ate some chocolate and made more music than in the past two weeks altogether. I did most things on my list.
The boy and I had a junk food fest with potato chips and candy in front of the TV last night.
I still managed to go to bed on time.
Today will be a pretty normal day, running and all the usual. The boy will go our for lunch with his grandmother so I’ll be left to myself. I’m seeing some eggs in my future. Or maybe I go out for lunch as well, we’ll see.
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