Woke up at 6.30 after eight hours of sleep. Seems that sleep is not a problem at the moment which is very good.
As usual when there’s no school I didn’t really get anything done in the morning but I sat and knitted for quite some time. That has to count for something as well.
I could tick off most of my to do-list which is rather satisfying. I am still trying to figure out how to incorporate the things into my life that don’t get done like spinning, and sewing and right now also the writing.
Which is making me really cranky. I just transferred „finish EM1“ from April to May yet again. I should channel that energy into the writing, maybe, instead of wasting it on thinking about how I feel and procrastinating.
I did manage to wash my bras by hand again. After only a week or two. They did sit in the sink all afternoon because I forgot about them but still – progress. And I threw the jersey fabric I had ordered into the washing machine and hung it up. First step in getting new yoga pants and t-shirts. Well, second step already because the first step was ordering the fabric.
Oh, and I wrote the May-newsletter for my patrons on patreon. At the last minute as usual.
Then I watched another webinar last night, this time it was about „business block“. I’m still a little on the fence about these.
Today will be busy, busy, busy.
Because of the public holiday yesterday I wasn’t able to do my usual grocery run which means I will have to do it today. In addition to running and going to the farmer’s market for potatoes and asparagus, as one does.
Then I will teach quite a few students. And maybe press some jersey fabric. And write words. Many, many words. (Yeah, I know I probably won’t.)
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