So yesterday I was somewhat less tired which was nice.
As I already told you I spend most of the morning waiting for the IKEA delivery. It came during my husband’s breakfast, and the two of us carried everything upstairs after he was finished.
Which left me enough time to do errands and grocery shopping. Tea shop, health food store, and supermarket. And then I started putting the dresser together. It took me most of my spare time yesterday but now it’s done.
Which meant there was not much time left for writing. I do have a day job as well, and with the whole furniture-building that was enough for the day.
In a heroic effort I wrote about a thousand words after dinner and dishes, and then fell asleep fully dressed while reading. I need to change that, this is a terrible habit. It would be so much better to change into pajamas and brush my teeth first. So that when I find myself sleepy I can just sleep.
Today I woke up too early again. I could hear my mother-in-law upstairs, maybe she woke me up. And I am so tense about the absence of writing that I couldn’t fall back asleep. Of course I didn’t use that time to write.
Today there should have been running but I think I will put some bookshelves together instead. There will be lots of teaching, and some writing. I hope. Also I’ll be doing laundry. Exciting times…
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